5 Fresh Ideas For Your Personal Bible Study

Written by: Pastor Joe
Tagged in: Uncategorized

If you’ve ever gone to church, you’ve probably heard about the importance of spending regular time with Jesus in Bible study and prayer. Maybe you’re a “Bible in a Year” person, but I’m not. Over the years, I’ve tried a lot of different approaches to my quiet time, and what I’ve learned is that I need variety. I can’t do the same thing every day, week after week, year after year. If that works for you, more power to you—keep doing your thing. But if you’re like me and enjoy switching it up, or if your routine has gotten a little stale, here are a few ideas that might help reignite your personal study time.


1. He/She Reads Truth

She Reads Truth is a vibrant online community dedicated to helping women engage with Scripture daily. With beautifully designed Bible reading plans, devotionals, and other resources, this platform encourages women to grow in their faith and connect with God’s Word in a meaningful way. Whether through online studies, print resources, or their app, She Reads Truth aims to make Bible reading a daily habit that transforms lives.

He Reads Truth is the companion to She Reads Truth, created specifically for men. This platform provides thoughtfully curated Bible reading plans, devotionals, and resources designed to foster a deeper understanding of Scripture. He Reads Truth encourages men to read God’s Word daily and grow in their faith through intentional study and reflection. With both digital and print options available, He Reads Truth equips men to engage with Scripture in a way that is both accessible and transformative.


2. Bible Project Reading Plans

I’ve become a big fan of The Bible Project. In addition to their overviews on various books and guides on biblical themes, they also offer a wide range of reading plans through the Bible App. These plans are designed to help people engage with the Bible in a structured and insightful way. Known for their visually compelling videos and clear explanations, The Bible Project’s reading plans guide users through the narrative of Scripture, highlighting key themes and connections across the Bible. Whether you’re a new believer or a seasoned student of the Bible, these plans provide an accessible and enriching way to explore God’s Word.

  • Our family is proud to support the work of The Bible Project. If you’re looking for an opportunity to invest in Kingdom work, you can do so here. 



3. Pray the Day

Over the years, I’ve changed the way I approach prayer several times, but one of the most successful and memorable tools has been a simple “Pray the Day” method I learned from a podcast:

  • Monday: Missionaries
  • Tuesday: Tasks (all the stuff I have to do in ministry and life)
  • Wednesday: Workers (all the staff, volunteers, and ministries I’m connected with)
  • Thursday: Ministries (the effectiveness of the various ministries themselves)
  • Friday: Family and Friends
  • Saturday: Sinners (for the salvation of people who do not yet trust Jesus to be the leader and forgiver of their life)
  • Sunday: Saints (intercession for the various needs in the body of Christ)


4. Bible Memory Tools

Memorizing Scripture is one of the most important spiritual disciplines you can develop. I use a few apps (depending on which device I’m using) that help me memorize and review verses with memory games and reminders.

The Bible Memory App is a powerful tool designed to help you memorize Scripture and retain it long-term. With customizable memorization plans, interactive review methods, and progress tracking, this app makes Scripture memorization both engaging and effective. Whether you’re looking to hide God’s Word in your heart, prepare for teaching, or simply strengthen your spiritual discipline, the Bible Memory App provides a convenient way to commit verses to memory.

My favorite memory tool is the Verses app. Designed to make Scripture memorization fun and effective, this app uses a game-like interface with a variety of engaging exercises to help you memorize Bible verses quickly and retain them over time. Sadly, they stopped development for Android, so I switched to the Bible Memory App. But if you’re an Apple user, Verses is, in my opinion, the best tool for deepening your engagement with and memorization of God’s Word.


5. For Everyone Series

The For Everyone Series is probably the most consistent tool I’ve used for personal Bible study over the years. I often describe them as “devotional commentaries.” The New Testament series is written by world-renowned scholar N.T. Wright. While I don’t agree with all of Wright’s conclusions, he is brilliant, loves the Bible, and does a fabulous job making it come alive. Broken down into short chunks, these books can serve as a reading guide, devotional, and study help. There are 18 volumes, and I’ve used most of them with great success.

John Goldingay’s Old Testament for Everyone series is a newer addition and covers every book of the Old Testament. Written with clarity and depth, this series makes the complex narratives, laws, and prophecies of the Old Testament accessible to all readers. Goldingay combines scholarly insight with practical application (and he’s quite witty), helping readers understand the ancient context while drawing out relevant lessons for today. Again, I don’t agree with all of his conclusions, but these volumes are nonetheless very helpful. I don’t know of any other series quite like the For Everyone series.

The links above are to the complete sets, but they can be purchased individually from your favorite online bookstore. Additionally, they are often on sale via Kindle, so keep your eyes peeled.